ECD Group – latest events

10. 6. 2019

The ECD group is currently putting together a variety of panels and roundtables at both the Annual Conference of the British International Studies Association (BISA) in London and the EISA’s Pan-European Conference on International Relations in Sofia (EISA PEC). At BISA, Elisabeth Schweiger and Tamás Peragovics are convening a roundtable entitled “Beyond Horizons of Visibility: An IR to Come” where they invite a conversation on what should be central to an IR research agenda today from the perspective of early career research. Further, at this year’s EISA PEC 2019, the ECD group is putting together an event entitled “De-mystifying Glass Ceilings – Equality and Privilege in IR,” led by Elisabeth Schweiger, and a panel “Demystifying Publishing and Early Career Advancement,” led by Tamás Peragovics. Alice Martini is also convening our first ever ECD café, entitled “Deconstructing Concepts from an International Point of View,” where scholars at various stages in their careers come together to discuss and debate central questions and concepts in IR in an informal setting. For anyone interested, please check the ECD Events page for updates and details.