Felix Berenskötter

Felix Berenskötter

SOAS, University of London

EISA Portfolio: Mid-Career Development


Felix Berenskötter is Head of Department, Politics and International Studies at SOAS University of London. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and specializes in international theory and concepts friendship, identity, power, security, space and time with an empirical focus on questions of European security, German foreign policy and transatlantic relations. Felix published widely on these topics and is currently working on a monograph on friendship and estrangement in international relations. In past roles as editor of academic journals (JoGSS, Millennium) and chair of sections at ISA and BISA, he worked to broaden conversations about how we study world politics, with a particular focus on interpretivist approaches and the analysis of concepts and their political performance. As a member of EISA's governing board, Felix aims to strengthen the Association as a space of exchange and networking beyond its annual events, and as a critical forum for exploring how knowledge produced in Europe interacts with knowledge produced in other parts of the world.